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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Time.... The great leveller!

The young are always looking at the future since they have no achievements yet, no patience for the present since they have so much to look forward to in the future. Come middle age, they stay in the present, since their future holds only retirement and their past was the hard work put in to get them where they are. The elderly always live in the past since they may not even have a tomorrow, their present is filled with infirmity but their past is all about their glory days, achievements and their loved ones who may not be around today or tomorrow!

Gives an interesting insight as regards how to make conversation with people of different age groups. Hmmm, makes one think. At least it got me thinking....


Friday, September 08, 2006

History repeats itself!

Time for me to give myself a motivational speech! Or more likely, just follow a few simple steps and remember some good sayings, which includes one which I came up with :-)
  1. The greatest journey beings with a single step.
  2. Hani hani koodidare halla.
  3. Its your attitude which determines how far you go in life.
  4. Yadi jayaat padam dooram labhyate tu paraajayam, bhavitavyah sthitaprajnah duhkhitenaapi sarvadaa. (original composition!)
The reference to history repeats itself alludes to what happened in June 2002 during the Indian National Biology Olympiad! Enough said, and no enquiries about this will be entertained :-D

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Doggie love!

A lifetime first achieved a couple of weeks back! After spending a substantial portion of my early childhood at grandpa's place, where he had a huge Alsatian, to walking to school on a route filled with dogs, having one of the puppies chase me, thereby creating in me a terror of dogs of all shapes and sizes and ages, and then beginning to overcome that fear --- I'm approaching full circle now!

For the reader who is probably blinking blankly in confusion, time for me to elaborate! The Alsatian I mentioned was a huge friendly creature. Religiously waking us up every morning, hanging around with us whenever possible, greeting us with total enthusiasm whenever we visited grandpa...... can't think of a more friendly animal than that one!

And then, the terrorist strikes! One fine day, when I was jogging back home from school after an exam, there was this pup which takes it into its head to chase me for reasons best known to it! Seeing it after me, I take off at top speed, hollering for help, and since I was near a bus stop at that time, some kind soul took pity on me and drove my tormentor away.

A few years later, when I was visiting one of friends, his dog was really mad at me for some unknown reason, and was desperate to get at me. It actually managed to break the chain and then lunged at me. Luckily I was beside a door, and managed to slam it behind me before the doggie got its teeth into me!

But the damage had been done --- ever since, I had maintained a safe distance from any dog. When visiting friends who had dogs, no amount of convincing that its a nice dog, and that the chain was strong, was enough. The dog had to be behind barred doors, before I would venture in.

Of course, I was disgusted with myself for this morbid fear, and had resolved to overcome it sooner or later. Under this scenario, one of my friends got a new pup. There was my golden chance! Went to visit her on a day the pup was taken to the vet.... Atleast he would be a little tired and sleepy, making my first step on the comeback trail that much easier.

Easier said than done! In spite of that trip to the vet, he was a bundle of energy. Slowly I worked up the courage to pet him, and stroke his silky coat. Here I was, applying the techniques I had learnt when interacting with the numerous cats at home, on a dog, with similar success :-) At long last, felt brave enough to actually pick him up in my arms. And that was a thrilling moment --- my terror was beginning to dissolve away. Still some way from feeling as comfortable with a strange dog as with a strange cat, but surely a giant step towards that!

Joe Sat!

Joe Satriani - what a God! Been hooked onto his music for a while now. Don't get me wrong - I ain't a head-banging rockaholic. In fact, I don't even know what genre Joe Sat is in, nor do I know what genres are even there! All I know is that I love his music, and "nothing else matters" for me apart from that!

My special favorite being "Crystal Planet" -- an all-instrumental piece -- what melody, what control, what SPEED! Given my preference towards fast-paced numbers, this one tops my charts!
Dunno what sudden urge to proclaim this to the world, but then again, why not? Lately though, the charm has worn off a bit, and I no longer listen to the same number 25 times in a row continuously! Current favorite which seems to be running in an infinite loop in my playlist happens to be "Tu Hi Meri Shab Hai" for whatever reason..... Finding it such a lovely and melodious song :-)

Its a beautiful world - if only we pause to see the beauty around us!

This was sometime back, but finally I found the time and will to shake off the laziness clinging to me like a dhoti during a thundershower, and finally get on with updating this blog! This was in the good old days when I was leading an 8 to 8 life due to project work.

On one of those glorious full moon nights, as I was commuting back from the project work in my favorite (yes, had travelled so much by bus that I even had favorites!) bus, the local power authorities found it worth their while to suddenly cut off the power with no prior warning. Or there might have been one in the day's newspaper which I had failed to read!

Anywayz, it seemed like half the city was blacked out, as the second half of my journey was spent with the lighting provided by the vehicles and mostly the moon. On a nice long straight stretch, I got a chance to view the full moon in all its glory in a clear sky. All my suppressed awe of nature came roaring back with that sight!

What a beautiful spectacle! And how I envy the folks residing in villages and suburban areas for they get this lovely spectacle on a daily basis, while poor me in the heart of the city needs a blackout to enjoy the same!

Memories of star-gazing during my sojourn to Mumbai & Pune for the Astronomy Olympiad came rushing back. Those all-night vigils in perfect conditions - dust-free and cloudless skies and free from light pollution.... Helping and being helped by friends to locate stars/constellations/galaxies -- yes, some galaxies are visible to the naked eye -- and the exhiliration of having got the chance to see nature in its virgin glory without the handiwork of humankind coming in the picture anywhere!

Those brief moments were when I reconnected with nature at its best, and was swept off my feet with the simple, yet so amazing beauty! As I was soaking up that grand view, abruptly it was cut off by a turn the bus took, and within a few minutes, I was back home.... Back to the harsh reality of flourescent lights. Ah, what a contrast - the soothing moonlight and the glaring man-made lighting..... Sometimes I wonder if humankind has really "progressed" from the centuries of old.....

And a pic from a couple of days back --- though the sky is little cloudy, its any day so beautiful!