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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Blogs away !!

What a crazy time for me to start blogging! With exams less than a week away, here I am, with my bottom glued to the chair and staring at the comp for hours at a stretch, instead of wisely investing the time I have left in studying for the all-important career-defining VTU exams......

Its pretty amazing how when you don't like something, you'll do absolutely ANYTHING to get away from it, if only temporarily..... If there was no upcoming VTU exam hanging over my head like the proverbial Sword of Damocles, in all probability I wouldn't have started blogging yet, wouldn't be Orkutting so much, wouldn't be following up on every purportedly "interesting" link in every forward I get, wouldn't be sleeping 8 hours at night and 4 hours during the day....... Ah, what a double life I lead!


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