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Monday, January 09, 2006

Damn - they are right !

Four down, two to go! Its amazing how time seems to fly! And shockingly enough, I am appalled at my attitude towards my exams. Of the four so far, I found myself concentrating properly while studying for only one of them. As far as CN - 2 was concerned, it was a joke! My preparation for it was minimal to say the least. I wonder by how much my performance would shoot up if I choose to put my full efforts towards the exams rather than just enough to clear them respectably! Ah, that will only remain a thought coz I know that I am totally incapable of it.......

There are always those teachers who blame the placement of the students in various companies for the drop in performance post-placement. There are also those who see no connection between the two. I gotta admit - though rather grudgingly - that the former are probably right. This is the first time that my exam prep has been so casual, its scary to say the least. Though being placed in Cisco has neither put a crown on my head, nor caused horns to sprout, I know that it has played its part. It has, atleast in my case, dunno about rest of janta though I am sure its true to different extents with all of us, whether we would like to admit it or not.

Strangely enough, a splitting headache seems to grip me after each exam, rendering me incapable of doing anything the rest of the evening. I do put my brain under tremendous pressure during those three hours to come up with convincing stories for the five questions so that the evaluators buy them. Probably that explains the post-exam reaction. After holding it together for three stressful hours, it just gives way, and unfailingly at that.

Here's that headache again! That's it for now. More in my next.


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